![Order of Maternal Glory](/img/sssr/orden_materinskaja_slava.jpg)
Maternal Glory
![Order For Personal Courage](/img/sssr/orden_za_lichnoe_muzhestvo.jpg)
For Personal Courage 16
![Order of Labour Glory](/img/sssr/orden_trudovoj_slavy.jpg)
Labour Glory 18
Medals USSR
![Hero of the Soviet Union](/img/sssr/zolotaj_zvezda.jpg)
Hero of the Soviet Union 1
![Hero of Socialist Labour](/img/sssr/medal_serp_i_molot.jpg)
Hero of Socialist Labour 2
![Medal For Courage](/img/sssr/za_otvagu.jpg)
For Courage 3
![Ushakov Medal](/img/sssr/medal_ushakova.jpg)
Ushakov 4
![Medal For Battle Merit](/img/sssr/za_boevie_zaslugi.jpg)
For Battle Merit 5
![Nakhimov Medal](/img/sssr/medal_nahimova.jpg)
Nakhimov 6
![Medal For Labour Valour](/img/sssr/medal_za_trudovuju_doblest.jpg)
For Labour Valour 7
![Medal For Distinguished Labour](/img/sssr/medal_za_trudovoe_otlichie.jpg)
For Distinguished Labour 8
![Medal For Valiant Labour (For Military Valour)](/img/sssr/medal_za_voinskuju_doblest.jpg)
For Valiant Labour (For Military Valour) 9
![Medal Partisan of the Patriotic War](/img/sssr/partizanu_vov.jpg)
Partisan of the Patriotic War 10
![Medal For Distinction in Guarding the State Border of the USSR](/img/sssr/medal_za_otlichie_v_ohrane_gosudarstvennoj_granicy.jpg)
For Distinction in Guarding the State Border of the USSR 11
![Medal For Distinction in Military Service](/img/sssr/medal_za_otlichie_v_voinskoj_sluzhbe.jpg)
For Distinction in Military Service 12
![Medal For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order](/img/sssr/medal_za_otlichnuju_sluzhbu_po_ohrane_obshhestvennogo_porjadka.jpg)
For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order 13
![Medal For Courage in a Fire](/img/sssr/medal_za_otvagu_na_pozhare.jpg)
For Courage in a Fire 14
![Medal For the Salvation of the Drowning](/img/sssr/medal_za_spasenie_utopajushhih.jpg)
For the Salvation of the Drowning 15
![Medal For the Defence of Leningrad](/img/sssr/za_oboronu_leningrada.jpg)
or the Defence of Leningrad 16
![Medal For the Defence of Moscow](/img/sssr/za_oboronu_moskvi.jpg)
For the Defence of Moscow 17
![Medal For the Defence of Odessa](/img/sssr/za_oboronu_odessi.jpg)
For the Defence of Odessa 18
![Medal For the Defence of Sevastopol](/img/sssr/za_oboronu_sevastopolj.jpg)
For the Defence of Sevastopol 19
![Medal For the Defence of Stalingrad](/img/sssr/za_oboronu_stalengrada.jpg)
For the Defence of Stalingrad 20
![Medal For the Defence of Kiev](/img/sssr/za_oboronu_kieva.jpg)
For the Defence of Kiev 21
![Medal For the Defence of the Caucasus](/img/sssr/za_oboronu_kavkaza.jpg)
For the Defence of the Caucasus 22
![Medal For the Defence of the Soviet Transarctic](/img/sssr/za_oboronu_zapoljrj.jpg)
For the Defence of the Soviet Transarctic 23
![Medal For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War](/img/sssr/za_pobedu.jpg)
For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 24
![Medal Twenty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War](/img/sssr/medal_dvadcat_let_pobedy_v_velikoj_otechestvennoj_vojne.jpg)
20 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 25
![Medal Thirty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945](/img/sssr/30_let_pobedy_v_vov.jpg)
30 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 26
![Medal Forty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945](/img/sssr/medal_40_let_pobedy_v_vov.jpg)
40 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 27
![Medal For the Victory over Japan](/img/sssr/za_pobedu_nad_japoniej.jpg)
For the Victory over Japan 28
![Medal For the Capture of Budapest](/img/sssr/za_vzjtie_budapechta.jpg)
For the Capture of Budapest 29
![Medal For the Capture of Konigsberg](/img/sssr/za_vzjtie_kenigsberga.jpg)
For the Capture of Konigsberg 30
![Medal For the Capture of Vienna](/img/sssr/za_vzjtie_veni.jpg)
For the Capture of Vienna 31
![Medal For the Capture of Berlin](/img/sssr/za_vzjtie_berlina.jpg)
For the Capture of Berlin 32
![Medal For the Liberation of Belgrade](/img/sssr/za_osvobozhdenie_belgrada.jpg)
For the Liberation of Belgrade 33
![Medal For the Liberation of Warsaw](/img/sssr/za_osvobozhdenie_varchavi.jpg)
For the Liberation of Warsaw 34
![Medal For the Liberation of Prague](/img/sssr/za_osvobozhdenie_pragi.jpg)
For the Liberation of Prague 35
![Medal For Valiant Labour in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945](/img/sssr/za_doblesniy_trud.jpg)
For Valiant Labour in the Great Patriotic War 36
![Medal Veteran of Labour](/img/sssr/medal_veteran_truda.jpg)
Veteran of Labour 37
![Medal Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR](/img/sssr/medal_veteran_vooruzhennyh_sil.jpg)
Veteran of the Armed Forces 38
![Medal For Strengthening of Brotherhood in Arms](/img/sssr/medal_za_ukreplenie_boevogo_sodruzhestva.jpg)
For Strengthening of Brotherhood in Arms 39
![Medal For the Restoration of the Black Metallurgy Enterprises of the South](/img/sssr/za_vosstanovlenie_predprijatij_chjornoj_metallurgii_juga.jpg)
For the Restoration of the Black Metallurgy Enterprises of the South 40
![Medal For the Restoration of the Donbass Coal Mines](/img/sssr/za_vosstanovlenie_ugolnyh_shaht_donbassa.jpg)
For the Restoration of the Donbass Coal Mines 41
![Medal For the Development of Virgin Lands](/img/sssr/za_osvoenie_celinnyh_zemel.jpg)
For the Development of Virgin Lands 42
![Medal For Construction of the Baikal-Amur Railway](/img/sssr/medal_za_stroitelstvo_bam.jpg)
For Construction of the Baikal-Amur Railway 43
![Medal For Transforming the Non-Black Earth of the RSFSR](/img/sssr/medal_za_preobrazovanie_nechernozemja_rsfsr.jpg)
For Transforming the Non-Black Earth of the RSFSR 44
![Medal For the Tapping of the Subsoil and Expansion of the Petrochemical Complex of Western Siberia](/img/sssr/medal_za_osvoenie_nedr_i_razvitie_neftegazovogo_kompleksa.jpg)
For the Tapping of the Subsoil and Expansion of the Petrochemical Complex 45
![Medal XX Years of the Workers and Peasants Red Army](/img/sssr/medal_xx_let_rkka.jpg)
XX Years of the Workers and Peasants Red Army 46
![Medal 30 Years of the Soviet Army and Navy](/img/sssr/30_let_sovetskoj_armii_i_flota.jpg)
30 Years of the Soviet Army and Navy 47
![Medal 40 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR](/img/sssr/40_let_vooruzhennyh_sil_sssr.jpg)
40 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR 48
![Medal 50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR](/img/sssr/50_let_vooruzhjonnyh_sil_sssr.jpg)
50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR 49
![Medal 60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR](/img/sssr/60_let_vooruzhennyh_sil_sssr.jpg)
60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR 50
![Medal 70 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR](/img/sssr/70_let_vooruzhennyh_sil_sssr.jpg)
70 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR 51
![Medal 50 Years of the Soviet Militia](/img/sssr/medal_50_let_sovetskoj_milicii.jpg)
50 Years of the Soviet Militia 52
![Medal In Commemoration of the 800th Anniversary of Moscow](/img/sssr/medal_v_pamjat_800_letija_moskvy.jpg)
In Commemoration of the 800th Anniversary of Moscow 53
![Medal In Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of Leningrad](/img/sssr/v_pamjat_250_letija_leningrada.jpg)
In Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of Leningrad 54
![Medal In Commemoration of the 1500th Anniversary of Kiev](/img/sssr/medal_v_pamjat_1500_letija_kieva.jpg)
In Commemoration of the 1500th Anniversary of Kiev 55
![Medal Maternity](/img/sssr/medal_materinstva.jpg)
Medal Maternity 56
Badges for Excellence
![Marshal`s Star](/img/sssr/marshalskaja_zvezda.jpg)
Marshal`s Star
![Guards unit](/img/sssr/znak_gvardija.jpg)
Guards unit 1
![The commander of the submarine](/img/sssr/znak_komandir_podvodnoj_lodki.jpg)
The commander of the submarine 2
![Excellent Sniper](/img/sssr/znak_snajper.jpg)
Excellent Sniper 3
![Excellent Landmine Specialist](/img/sssr/znak_otlichnyj_miner.jpg)
Excellent Landmine Specialist 4
![Excellent Submariner](/img/sssr/znak_otlichnyj_podvodnik.jpg)
Excellent Submariner 5
![Excellent Torpedo Specialist](/img/sssr/znak_otlichnyj_torpedist.jpg)
Excellent Torpedo Specialist 6
![Excellent Artillery Personnel](/img/sssr/znak_otlichnyj_artillerist.jpg)
Excellent Artillery Personnel 7
![Excellent Machinegunner](/img/sssr/znak_otlichnyj_pulemetchik.jpg)
Excellent Machinegunner 8
![Excellent Tank Crew Personnel](/img/sssr/znak_otlichnyj_tankist.jpg)
Excellent Tank Crew Personnel 9
![Excellent Mortar Specialist](/img/sssr/znak_otlichnyj_minometchik.jpg)
Excellent Mortar Specialist 10
![Excellent Combat Engineer](/img/sssr/otlichnyj_saper.jpg)
Excellent Combat Engineer 11
![Excellent Medic](/img/sssr/otlichnik_sanitarnoj_sluzhby.jpg)
Excellent Medic 12